5 Ideas for Storing Summer Clothes in Your Custom Closet System

Mike Beard • October 24, 2022
5 Ideas for Storing Summer Clothes in Your Custom Closet System

With the changing of the seasons also comes the opportunity to bring a whole new wardrobe out of storage. But before you get too cozy in your cold-weather clothes, you’ll want to get a system in place for safely storing your summer clothes in your custom closet system.

So before you toss all your summer clothes into a box and slide them under your bed, consider these ideas that will keep your garments safe while also keeping them clean, dry, and free from pests.

When it’s time to put away your warm weather clothes in your custom closet system, be sure to:

  1. Clear out your closet and reorganize.
  2. Wash all of your clothes first.
  3. Invest in pest prevention.
  4. Use sturdy plastic containers for your clothes.
  5. Stick to your custom closet system for storage.

Now that we’ve got a handle on some key ideas for safely storing summer clothes in your custom closet system, let’s get into the specifics.

Clear Out Your Closet and Reorganize

The best way to start with any cleaning and reorganizing project is with a clean slate. Not only will this give you the chance to section off your clothes based on season, but it will also give you the opportunity to pare down the clothes you have and get rid of any you haven’t worn in months.

You’re going to want to have as much available storage room as possible, so reducing the total number of clothes you’ll be storing through the winter will help make this entire process much easier for you.

Empty Closet System

Wash All of Your Clothes First

The last thing you want is to store your garments for months, only to find that they’re now stuck with a persistent bad odor. Or worse, that a stain you overlooked in one of your articles of clothing has now set in over the months and won’t come out in the wash.

If you’ve dealt with pests like moths in any capacity, washing your clothes in hot water (if the fabric can safely tolerate it) can also help ensure that you won’t have to deal with an infestation in the future. It’s important to fully dry all of your clothes before putting them in long-term storage.

Invest in Pest Prevention

Giving your summer clothes a good cleaning should go a long way toward keeping your clothes pest-free through the winter. Even so, it’s best to be on the safe side and still invest in pest-prevention products and methods in your custom closet system.

Mothballs are an old standby for a reason. They keep clothes safe from moth infestations for months at a time. You could also opt for a more natural option if you’d like, such as cedar products. Cedar naturally repels pests while also keeping your clothes smelling fresh.

Empty Closet System

Use Sturdy Plastic Containers for Your Clothes

Bob Vila says it’s important to store your off-season clothes in airtight containers that pests (especially moths) won’t be able to access. You’ll want bins that are easy to stack and stow without taking up too much room in your custom closet system.

Plastic containers work best here, especially those with lids that click securely in place. Cardboard boxes might work well for moving, but they can easily become overrun by pests in a short period of time.

Stick To Your Custom Closet System for Storage

It can be tempting to use other places for long-term clothes storage instead of your custom closet system, like your basement. You might have plenty of extra room down there, but you’ll also be putting your clothes at risk of getting damp over time.

Your custom closet system will provide the right kind of environment for your summer clothes to stay fresh while also keeping them safe from dampness or pests. As you alternate wardrobes with the seasons, you can keep using the same designated spot in your closet for long-term storage.


With the changing of the seasons comes the opportunity to put away your summer clothes and bring out a whole new wardrobe. With these ideas in play, you should have a safe and secure way to store all of your warm-weather clothes.


Mike and Christy Beard
Company Owner

Mike Beard has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and career history in Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management. Combining his passion for organization and design with his experience in business management has allowed Mike to realize his dream of helping Memphis, TN homeowners organize their homes with effective and unique storage spaces.


Memphis Garage & Closets

Lakeland, TN 38002

(901) 446-1832

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