Eight Simple Tricks to Keeping Your Closets Smelling Fresh

Mike Beard • December 23, 2020
Custom Closet System

When you open up your custom closet doors, do you get a whiff of something unpleasant? If your closet smells stale, more than likely your clothes will as well. 

Thankfully, there are several steps you can take to get your closets smelling great in no time, including:

  1. Clean Out Your Closets
  2. Launder Your Wardrobe
  3. Utilize Cedar Hangers
  4. Allow Air to Circulate
  5. Try Essential Oils
  6. Activated Charcoal
  7. Perfumed Tissue Paper
  8. Absorbent Coffee Grounds

Keep reading to learn how each of these tips and tricks will help to keep your closets smelling fresh!

Clean Out Your Closets

In order for your closets to be really fresh, you need to start from scratch. Remove all of your clothes, shoes, and random items until there is nothing left but walls, shelves, and carpeting. Now it’s time for a quick inspection. Check your carpeting to make sure Fido hasn’t left any smelly surprises there.

Freshwaveworks.com recommends spraying down your walls and surfaces with a mixture of diluted vinegar and water and then wiping them down.  After you are done, vacuum out your closets and shampoo any stains you may find there. Keep in mind that cleaning out your closets is only one of many steps necessary to maintain your organizational system.

Vacuum on Rug

Launder Your Wardrobe

The solution to making your clothes smell better is not to cover up the odor, but to wash it out. Fill up your washing machine, and while you are at it, get rid of clothes you haven’t worn in a year or more as they are just making your closets even more crowded. 

Note: Don't forget to wash your sneakers while you're at it! The last thing you need is smelly sneakers stinking up your custom closets. When you are done, place a dryer sheet in each shoe to keep odors at bay.

The Beauty of Cedar Hangers

After you have washed all of your clothes in a detergent that features the scent of your choice, it is time to rehang your items. Onlyhangers.com mentions using cedar hangers for your wardrobe as cedar naturally absorbs moisture. As a bonus, they will also give your clothes a lovely smell.

Allow Air to Circulate

Now it’s time to make sure that no musty smells will return and one way to prevent that is by spacing out your wardrobe.  Freshwave.com notes to leave space between your hanging clothes so that they are not bunched up against each other. This will allow air to circulate throughout your closet.

Custom Closet with Window

Try Essential Oils

Essential oils are the concentrated essence of plants. In aromatherapy, they are inhaled and are believed to have various health benefits. Because they are so potent, it only takes a few drops to make a big difference. To keep your clothes smelling lovely, Bustle.com recommends choosing your favorite essential oil and then dabbing it onto several cotton balls. Then, hide them away in various places in your closet. Not sure which essential oil to use? Lavender, lemon, and orange scents are all refreshing options.

Activated Charcoal

To purify the air in your custom closets naturally, try using activated charcoal. It effectively absorbs musty smells. Place a small open container that has a block of activated charcoal inside somewhere in your closet.

All you need to do is take the charcoal out into the sunlight every now and then so it can release the odors it has absorbed. Onlyhangers.com notes that each block of activated charcoal can be reused for about 1-2 years, after which time it does need to be replaced.

Activated Charcoal

Perfumed Tissue Paper

Perhaps you have a signature scent that you enjoy wearing. Why not have a hint of it on your clothing before you spray it on yourself? Bustle.com suggests gathering some tissue paper and lightly misting your chosen perfume or cologne onto the paper. Next, simply place it between the folded garments of your choice, or drape it over the top of your hanging clothing.

Absorbent Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds have a delicious aroma all on their own, but they are also perfect for absorbing odors in the environment. The nitrogen content in coffee works to neutralize odors in the air quickly and effectively. To use coffee to freshen up your closets, Angielist.com suggests scooping some fresh coffee grounds into a mesh bag or a plastic container with a couple of holes in the top. Place the container in your closet, but make sure to replace the grounds every so often. 

Final Thoughts

Now that your closet is smelling clean and fresh, how can you ensure that it stays that way? To begin, make sure that your clothes are 100% clean before placing them in your closet. Space them out adequately on cedar hangers and don’t forget to add in a couple of drops of some fragrant essential oils.


Mike and Christy Beard
Company Owner

Mike Beard has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and career history in Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management. Combining his passion for organization and design with his experience in business management has allowed Mike to realize his dream of helping Memphis, TN homeowners organize their homes with effective and unique storage spaces.


Memphis Garage & Closets

Lakeland, TN 38002

(901) 446-1832

Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm

Saturday: 9am - 6pm (By Appointment)

Sunday:  9am - 6pm (By Appointment)

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